Program Folder
Ads & Banner
UI / Web Design
Realities, Places and Displacement of Places
ensemble mosaik
"Realities, Places and Displacement of Places thematisiert urbane Entwicklungen und hinterfragt soziokulturelle Zusammenhänge. Die vier abendfüllenden Konzertinstallationen basieren auf Recherchen der Komponistinnen Katharina Rosenberger, Karen Power, Juliana Hodkinson und Joanna Bailie und der Musiker*innen des ensemble mosaik. Sie bringen aktuelle Forschungsstände und künstlerische Reflexionen in multimedialen Konzeptionen zusammen und laden das Publikum zu Erkundungen ein." (Website ensemble mosaik) GO TO SITE
ensemble mosaik – "Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music…" (Website ensemble mosaik) GO TO SITE
Es liegt in Deiner Hand
Karen Schlimp und Margarete Wenzel
Book Layout
Es liegt in Deiner Hand - Geschichten vom Lehren und Lernen. Was sagt uns ein Kalb über die Quelle wahren Könnens? Warum muss die Teetasse überlaufen? Und wie ist eine unmögliche Prüfung zu meistern? Geschichten öffnen Räume für Lernen und Erkennen. Wer dieses Büchlein bei sich trägt, hat einen reichen Vorrat an Metaphern zur Hand, die das Lehren, besonders im musikalischen Kontext, leichter machen.
Various Clients
Logo Creation
Selection of logos created for clients representing a wide range of activities: culture, fashion, events, cafes and restaurants, education, consultancy, sports, engineering, healthcare … Also were created project logos for special events and occasions.
ensemble mosaik
UI / Web Design,
Program Folder,
Flyer, Ads,
Online Banner
UpToThree – "In the festival series UpToThree, small teams of musicians, composers and artists from the visual and performing arts have been exploring selected themes since 2017 and presenting them for discussion in workshop concerts…" (Website ensemble mosaik) Go to Site
ensemble mosaik – "Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music…" (Website ensemble mosaik) GO TO SITE
Website unterwegs
UI / Web Design
unterwegs – fashion designer, Munich, Germany. "Geh raus, wo dir der Wind den Kopf frei pustet, wenn du zurückkommst bist du glücklich, und deine Kleider duften nach Himmel." (Susanne Niemeyer) GO TO SITE
Let's Walk Alone – ein Audiowalk
MS Schrittmacher
Social Media
Poster, Flyer
Let's Walk Alone. Wie verändert Corona die Choreographie unseres Alltags? Dieser Frage sind MS Schrittmacher nachgegangen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen ihrer Recherche lädt die Gruppe die Bewohner*innen der Stadt nun ein, eine individuelle Tour durch Berlin-Mitte zu erleben, die die veränderte Beziehung zu unseren eigenen Körpern und denen der anderen erfahrbar macht. Unsere Wahrnehmung der Alltagsumgebung wird dabei von MS Schrittmacher durch die Brille eines magischen Urbanismus hinterfragt… (Website MS Schrittmacher) Go To Site
MS Schrittmacher gründete sich 1998 in Berlin. Seit dem sind über dreißig Produktionen entstanden, wobei es dem künstlerischen Leiter Martin Stiefermann gelungen ist, der Kompanie eine unverwechselbare künstlerische Identität zu geben… (Website MS Schrittmacher) / „MS Schrittmacher ist eine der impulsgebenden Kompanien in Deutschland, deren Stücke seit 1998 in Berlin im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kunst, Tanz und gesellschaftlichen Realitäten entstehen.“ (Tip Berlin) Go To Site
Corporate Design AMITHEM
Corporate Design
Logo Creation
Layout Concept
Web / UI Design
Corporate Design including logo creation, Web / UI Design, layout concept for print media and business stationery. Project not realized.
AMITHEM – Associação dos Músicos Instrumentistas do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (association of the musician instrumentalists of the municipal theater Sao Paulo).
Praça da Vila Buarque
Amigos da Praça
Logo, Signage,
Poster, Flyer,
Social Media
Marketing Products
Praça da Vila Buarque is a public square in São Paulo's city center and was "adopted" in 2018 by the citizens' initiative Amigos da Praça. The square contains a a football area, playground and Brazil's oldest childrens' library. Despite its importance for the quarter that misses green areas the public maintenance is insufficient, which gave reason to the initiative of local habitants.
Studio and Stage Sceneries
wieder design
Studio and Stage Sceneries
More than 200 Sceneries and Backdrops for TV Studios and Stages in the last 20 Years. E.g. America's Got Talent (Auditions) / Eurovision Song Contest / The Voice of Germany / Rammstein (European Tournee 2019) / American Idol / Deutschland sucht den Superstar (German Version of American Idol) / iHeart Music Awards Los Angeles / The Voice of Germany – Kids / Laureus Sports Awards / Bambi Awards (German Media Awards) /
wieder design – Set Designer (Munich / Germany and Los Angeles / USA) GO TO SITE
Research Reports
Synergia Consultoria
Layout Conception
Research Reports – Layout conception for presentation of research resports, including definition of infographic and illustration styles.
Synergia Consultancy was founded in 2005 and offers socio-environmental solutions for private and public companies, public administrations and foundations, amongst others. The company operates in 150 brazilian and african counties with its head office in São Paulo and branches in Rio de Janeiro and Mozambique. GO TO SITE
Novo Nordisk
in Latin America / in Brazil
CD-compliant design
of Folders and Booklets
Novo Nordisk in Latin America / in Brazil – "Novo Nordisk is a global leader in diabetes care and we have been present in Latin America since 1983. Our long-term vision for the region is to improve the health of millions of people with diabetes and to create value, both for our company and our communities." (Folder "Novo Nordisk in Latin America")
Novo Nordisk – "We are a global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered just outside Copenhagen, Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat serious chronic diseases, built upon our heritage in diabetes. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines and working to prevent and ultimately cure the diseases we treat. We employ more than 55,000 people in 80 offices around the world, and market our products in 170 countries." (website Novo Nordisk) GO TO SITE
CrossRoads Festival
University Mozarteum Salzburg
Program Folder
CrossRoads Festival – "International contemporary music festival 'Crossroads' aims to promote the collaboration between composition students and young contemporary music performers from different countries. The festival gives an opportunity to the young artists to collaborate together by sharing their cultural and personal experiences. This annual event is organised by Lithuanian student Silvija Čiuladytė and the Institute for New Music, Mozarteum University Salzburg…" (Facebook CrossRoads) GO TO SITE

City of Munich / Tourist Office
Pitch Corporate Design
Logo Creation,
Print and Online Concept,
Marketing Products
Pitch Corporate Design - Together with my collegues Annabelle Mehraein, Georg Schatz and Gino Mamoli, we created a new Corporate Design for the official Tourist Office Munich. We made it to 2nd place!
City of Munich / Tourist Office
Website ensemble mosaik
UI / Web Design
ensemble mosaik – Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music...
Sweet Spot
(Inter)Mediation, Universität Salzburg
Sweet Spot. Die Reihe Sweet Spot versteht sich als Forum klassischer und ganz neuer Produktionen Elektroakustischer Musik in Salzburg. Es werden Stücke des Genres gehört und miteinander diskutiert. Begleitet wird jedes Konzert mit einer kurzen Einführung und der Möglichkeit, sich über das Gehörte auszutauschen.
Encyclopaedia Online
ensemble mosaik & François Sarhan
UI / Web Design
Encyclopaedia Online – The Encyclopaedia is a didactic work devoted to all fields of knowledge. It has the particularity of containing only fictional articles. Far from being a paradox, the non-verifiability of information in sciences is a common practice in the Middle Ages, think only of bestiaries. Moreover, things in there almost do not exist, but rightly so… (Website Encyclopaedia Online) Go to Site
ensemble mosaik – "Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music..." (website ensemble mosaik) GO TO SITE
Autonome Musik
ensemble mosaik
Program Folder
Flyer, Ads
Online Banner
Autonome Musik (1-4) – series of four concerts.
ensemble mosaik – "Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music..." (website ensemble mosaik) GO TO SITE
MS Schrittmacher
Poster, Roll-Ups
Flyer, Folder
BruchStücke – Das Community-Projekt BruchStücke von MS Schrittmacher will Tanz und Performance mit und für die Menschen im Oderbruch sichtbar und erlebbar machen. Dabei öffnen wir ein breites Spektrum zwischen Partizipation bis zur Präsentation von Workshops, diversen Gastspielen, Eigenproduktionen, Jugendarbeit, Audiowalk und Vermittlungsangeboten bis hin zum Tanzfest.
MS Schrittmacher gründete sich 1998 in Berlin. Seit dem sind über dreißig Produktionen entstanden, wobei es dem künstlerischen Leiter Martin Stiefermann gelungen ist, der Kompanie eine unverwechselbare künstlerische Identität zu geben… (Website MS Schrittmacher) / MS Schrittmacher ist eine der impulsgebenden Kompanien in Deutschland, deren Stücke seit 1998 in Berlin im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kunst, Tanz und gesellschaftlichen Realitäten entstehen. (Tip Berlin) Go To Site
Musik & Medizin
(Inter)Mediation, Universität Salzburg
Musik & Medizin. The Salzburg series Musik & Medizin presents scientific and artistic contributions from leading international experts in various disciplines to explore the interactions and mechanisms between the experience, processing and psycho-physiological impact of music on humans and to understand how music may promote health and wellbeing
Website DanceLab Berlin
UI / Web Design
DanceLab Berlin is an international dance company with two artistic directors and choreographers: JORGE MORRO and NORBERT SERVOS. DanceLab Berlin was founded at the Academy of Arts in Berlin as a platform for various artists creating our own pieces, inviting guests and promoting young talents. Since then DanceLab Berlin presents constantly new productions and international co-productions and has shown it's work in countries like The Netherlands, Spain, Luxemburg, Cuba and Greece. (Website DanceLab Berlin) GO TO SITE